
Wellness programme designed for women

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10 days
Rs. 65,000/-
A residential wellness programme designed by ArogyaM especially for women, ShaktI addresses hormonal imbalance and menstrual disorders through Yoga and Ayurveda. This programme will help you understand your body and help the endocrine system balance hormonal activity for better health and adaptability through the changes from adolescence to menopause and beyond.

ShaktI begins with a detailed consultation with our Vaidya to understand how your body functions. Shakti comprises the following components:
  • Abhyanga - Synchronised Ayurvedic massage involving medicated oils administered by two therapists.
  • Annalepa – Traditional Ayurvedic treatment involving medicated Shashtika rice cooked in milk that is applied in a rhythmic fashion all over the body. This is a blood purifier, strengthens nerves and musculature and brings about deep cleansing and is a calming therapy.
  • Udvarthana – A massage involving various herbal powders applied on the body in a
    reverse direction for better lymphatic drainage. Classically suggested for weight management and toning of the body.
  • Matra Vasti – Enema using medicated oils which are classical Ayurvedic
  • Svedana - Perspiring using herbal medicated steam.
  • Yogasanas and Pranayama which specifically target menstrual disorders and hormonal imbalance.

If stress is one of the contributing factors of irregularity in menstruation, treatments like Shirodhara will be administered (not included in the cost), along with Yoga Nidra and meditation techniques.

This programme will help you understand your body, and help the endocrine system balance hormonal activity for better health and adaptability through the changes from adolescence to menopause and beyond.

  • Women from Menarche to Menopause, who have menstrual disorders, who have hormonal imbalance due to high levels of stress or gynaecological problems, who have skin issues and pigmentation due to hormonal imbalance, and/or who wish to improve their overall health.

  • Treatment won’t be administered to women on their special days.
  • This is not a treatment for any illness, but a therapeutic programme.
  • All programmes will be customised and tweaked based on each care seeker's health profile.
  • The cost includes treatments, food, and accommodation (on a twin-sharing basis). Prescription medications aren't included.
  • Treatments may not be administered on all days of the programme.